What's an Echidna anyway?


Pronounced e-kid-na. An echidna is a spiny anteater found in and around Australia. Here's a picture.

They have some at the Los Angeles Zoo. They're very cute in person. They kind of waddle when they walk.

Several years ago, some friends of mine and I started a company. After 3 days of trying to come up with a name we finally settled on "Echidna." The biggest reason being that we liked the logo John had drawn for it. It was something like this.

Since that time I started using Echidna as my callsign or alias on the net. It hasn't been a very good one because most people don't know what it is or how to pronounce it. They say things like e-chid-na or enchilada. This is been the source of much laughter for my friends.

Anyway, I need a new callsign. Got any ideas?  😊






Places to Eat in Maryland


I'm not sure if any of these places still exist.  Maybe one of my Maryland friends can tell me.  I lived in the Baltimore area from 1984 through 1987.  I ended up there after I met my first girlfriend in college at BYU in Utah.  Being my first love I was kind of overwhelmed and so supporting myself, it was clear I was going to have to move home for about 9 months if I wanted to stay at BYU or at least that's what I thought at the time.


Opening Night Movies


I love movies all kinds. From Sci−fi to Horror to B−Movies to Dramas to Love stories. I probably own about 150 of them on video or laserdisc. In fact about the only kinds of movies I dislike are movies about adultery. Some of my favorites are 'Blade Runner', 'Brazil', 'Raising Arizona', 'Moonstruck', 'Say Anything', 'Love Potion #9', 'The Parent Trap'...


All about me!



I'm Gregg. I get called Greggman or GMan or GT and I'm sure other things I probably don't want to know.


My first trip to Japan!


I love to travel. I love to see new things. Unfortunately I'm one of those people that doesn't like to travel alone and doesn't like to organize traveling so I don't do it as much as I'd like. Hopefully someday I'll meet someone that likes to travel also and doesn't mind making the arrangements.


The Ultimate Greggman Contest


The Ultimate Greggman Contest!
