Making Bread in a Rice Cooker


I saw this program on TV where they were showing that you could make bread in a modern rice cooker. Just mix the ingredients, poor in and push the button. If I understood it correctly, the reason is works so well is that most modern Japanese rice cookers have a little computer that keeps the temperature at a constant 105 to 110 degress celsius, or about 220 to 230 fahrenheit.

According to the program that's better for some kinds of bread than making it in an oven because an oven usually has to be hotter to get to the inside but the rice cooker keeps the whole thing at around those temperatures so the bread comes out prefect even along the edges.


Water Salad


In Japan the Coca−Cola company sells many things they don't sell in America. My new favorite is Water Salad which just came out about a month ago. As PeeWee would say "It's Salady". It's actually pretty good. It's like a lite fruit punch. Not even as sweet as Gatorade and, unlike Suntory's Dakara (note: click the video tapes, then pick a movie) it doesn't make me poo funny. 😃


Fort Rugers Market


This article is from 1998 but it was nice to see that Fort Rugers is appreciated by more than just the Tavares family 😉


Food Origins


I got a couple of responses to my Hawaiian Food page, one of them pointing out that they think Laulaus did not exist until after the Portuguese came to Hawaii. I don't know if his point was that makes Laulaus not really Hawaiian or if that's just to point out some history but it got me thinking. What is the origin of certain foods?


How to enjoy Hawaiian Food


I'm part Hawaiian which you can't tell from my pictures. I look more like my Mom but my sister looks very Hawaiian. Anyway, because I'm Hawaiian as I was growing up I got introduced by my family to lots of Hawaiian culture and especially Hawaiian food.


Alan Wong's


I've been meaning to go to Alan Wong's Restaurant in Hawaii ever since I saw his beautiful cookbook in a bookstore in LA a few years ago but everytime I've come to Hawaii there has always been some reason not to go. Too tired, Don't feel like dressing up, Tutu doesn't want to go.

Well This time I made the effort and boy I sure didn't know what I was missing.

First off, Alan Wong's food is not your normal fare. In other words don't expect to eat things you would eat at other restaurants like a steak or a lobster etc. That doesn't mean he doesn't use that kind of stuff but it means that you won't find something simple, like a burger, on the menu.


More Restaurants


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Orange County Food


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Japanese Restaaurants


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San Francisco Eateries


I lived in the San Francisco Bay area from 1993 to 1995.  They claim that San Francisco has the most restaurants per capita than any other U.S. city.  (Could somebody please explain the difference between per capita and per person?)
