Google Earth


If you never got a chance to see the Keyhole viewer well now is your chance. Google bought them a while ago and have now made it free and updated it quite a bit

Here's Orange County

Here's where I work in Japan

Here's downtown LA with 3D buildings turned on

Here's zoomed into Niagra Falls

Here's flying over the Earth to the Grand Canyon

Here's the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon

Here's the restaurants on the Santa Monica Promenade including directions and phone number.

You can have pick a to and from area and have it not only give you direction and draw the route on the map but it will drive the camera down the route if you want.

You really owe it to yourself to check it out. This is one of those things the just makes you realize we are living in the future! Inspiring!

dating-before 2005-06-19-j
Lessons from Star Trek