Japanese Elevators vs American Elevators


In my Japanese class my teacher has me using a textbook in which each chapter is an article for a magazine or newspaper. Most of them are between 5 and 10 years old but they are generally still relevant.


More Japanese Chips


Since the last time I wrote about Japanese chips I've tried to take pictures of some of the ones I found more interesting. It seems like every month there are new flavors. The only bad part is if you find a flavor you crave they'll be unavailable in just a few weeks. I'll miss all this variety when I go back to the states.




I'm sure this kind of thing exists all over the world but here in Japan, Nabe is a very popular kind of food, especially for home cooking.


Osaka, Kobe


Thank to my friend JP I finally got to visit Osaka and Kobe.

I didn't really have that much time there. In fact I really only got one day in Osaka and one day in Kobe so don't take anything written here as a statement of truth about either. This is just my impressions of both.


Making Bread in a Rice Cooker


Check it out, my friend Colin made bread in a Rice Cooker!. It actually turns out there's a bunch of things, soups, cakes, etc.. you can make in a rice cooker. I ordered a few books on it from Amazon Japan.


Umaibou : Delicious Stick


Go to pretty much any Japanese super market or combini and you'll find Umaibou (うまい棒), pronounced "ou−my−bow" where the "ou" is like "you" without the "y" and "bow" as in "bow and arrow". Literally translated it means "delicious stick".




Completely random but interviewing 250 girls in Shibuya, the Rank Kingdom TV program said these were the top 10 things they didn't want their boyfriends to know.

  1. Birthplace
    9. How stupid I really am? (like how bad I failed that test)
    8. Sleeping habits (like drooling or snoring)
    7. Previous lovers
    6. Actual height
    5. Face without makeup
    4. Actual waist size
    3. Diary
    2. Cell phone e−mail contents
    1. Actual weight

Marriage Sucks? Sleep Apart


Today I was in Shiodome and stumbled on the National Center (National as in National−Panasonic). National makes all kinds of household items from refrigerators and microwaves to Japanese style bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. In Shiodome they have a large showroom where you can see all their different interior offerings.

One floor had fairly fancy high class rooms showing off different interior designs. Some of them were very cool but the one that really stuck out was this one...


Maywa Denki


My friend Bruce was visiting yesterday and I randomly decided to take him to the NTT ICC. We totally lucked out as there was this awesome exhibition of the work and works of Maywa Denki


Are You His #2 Girl


Rank Kingdom (ランク王国) is this program I enjoy that ranks random stuff. Every week they cover the top selling comics, games and videos but they also have just completely random stuff. This week for example they had top concerts of 2004, top jigsaw puzzles, top famous people that would best to appear on the new Japanese currency and finally this:

彼にとって二番目 which translated basically means, "I am his #2 girl".
