Visiting Tokyo


In the beginning of October I spent 10 days in Tokyo.


A Very Happy Birthday to Me!


Sometimes it seems like I'm the luckiest guy on the planet.


Pain in the Tooth


So I went to the dentist last week. The last time I went was only 7 months ago, just before I left Japan but about 2 months ago I had a couple of episodes where something got caught in my teeth in the back and it hurt pretty bad. It would pop out and feel better but then a week or so later something would get in there again. Finally it happened once where it hurt a lot and when I brush in the area there was a lot of blood. My toothbrush came out completely red. I though maybe a filling and fallen out or something so I made a quick dentist appointment.


Shanghai bound


So I've decided to visit Shanghai. I'll only be there a few days. I get in Sunday September 30th and leave on October 4th. That basically gives me 4 nights and 3 days.


Life in America (or at least San Francisco)


Some of my friends have been complaining I haven’t been updating my blog. There’s a bunch of reasons not the least of which is I now live back in the USA so I don’t really have much of interest to share. When I lived in Japan I felt like I was sharing things friends might want to know or at least not have easy access to but now anything I share is just random thoughts. I guess the blog part of my site though has always been random thoughts but then again I think the motivation to update it is not there like it was living abroad.


Broken Tape Measure


I've been setting up my new apartment, buying lots of stuff. I have a tape measure I bought in at Tokyu Hands in Tokyo. It turns out it's wrong. After buying a bunch of blinds and having them not come close to being the correct size I was thinking WTF, false advertising. I was about to take them back when I tried putting on a table cloth I bought and having it also not be the correct size.




I'm in San Francisco now and there's been quite a lot of reverse culture shock. I guess not just culture shock from Japan to the USA but also I've never lived in downtown San Francisco and it's very different from my experience anywhere else.


Leaving Japan


I'm Leaving Japan.


The Ultimate Birthday Party


Just Amazing. My friend Yukari convinced our female friends to all go out and get Chinese dresses and wear them as a surprise for my birthday party. OMG!


HK Rocks!


Hong Kong totally rocked! If you want to see pictures of Hong Kong check out my last trip. Although I thought HK was an awesome city last time I didn't have such a great time being alone.
